Current SIAH news
SIAH Events Spring/Summer 2020 on hold In the light of new Government guidance, including advice to 'avoid non essential contact' with others, we have decided to suspend our Spring/Summer programme until further notice. You should assume that our summer excursions will not proceed unless and until it is safe to do so. We will, of course, advise you by email as soon as we feel we can safely meet again.
In these very unusual circumstances, we are working on ways of holding a virtual AGM so look out for further announcements on this website, and by the Chairman's email, shortly.
Rendlesham Revealed project: HLF Stage 2 bid successful
Rendlesham Revealed project, HLF Stage 2 bid has been successful and has received over £500,000. As a partner in this project SIAH is delighted to bring this news to our membership. Further details in the SIAH Spring newsletter 2020, and see also: ttps://heritage.suffolk.gov.uk/rendleshamrevealed. Please use this website If you wish to contact the team. Events, workshops and volunteer opportunities will be widely advertised, follow @SCCArchaeology on Twitter, Instagram and @SCCArchaeologicalService on Facebook to keep up-to-date.
An exciting project entitled Rendlesham Revealed is taking place. Over the next 4-5 years the archaeology of the Rendlesham to Sutton Hoo areas will be explored. This follows excavation, metal-detecting, field-walking, air-photography and geophysics which have identified the site of the Anglo-Saxon ‘royal palace’ at Rendlesham and much more of that early landscape.
The project is funded by HLF as well as local heritage groups, including the SIAH which is one of the project partners.
The project organisers are undertaking audience research to determine our interests and likely input into the project. Please find a few moments to take part in this survey, and if you wish, see how you can be involved:
Rendlesham Revealed Online Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/GL5DSST
Further information: https://heritage.suffolk.gov.uk/rendleshamrevealed
(posted December 2018)
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