c. 700,000 BC
Pakefield cliffs, near Lowestoft
In 2000 humanly worked flints were found in the Cromer Forest-bed Formation at the base of these cliffs. These have been dated to about 700,000 years ago and at the time of their discovery they were the earliest evidence for humans in northern Europe. Slightly older evidence has since been found at Happisburgh in Norfolk.
For further information on these important sites see:
Further reading
Parfitt, S.A., et al., ‘The earliest record of human activity in northern Europe’, Nature vol. 438, 15 Dec. 2005, 1008-11.
Parfitt, S.A., Snelling, A.J, Evans A.A. and Jacobi, R, ‘Further discoveries of Lower Palaeolithic stone tools in the Cromer Forest-bed Formation at Kessingland-Pakefield’, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology & History vol. XLI pt. 4, 2008, 489-95.